God does not seem impressed by size or power or wealth. Faith is what he wants, and the heroes who emerge are heroes of faith, not strength or wealth.

Philip Yancey
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More Quotes By Philip Yancey
  1. We need faith and the mind of the Lord Jesus to recognize something of lasting value in even our most ordinary tasks.

  2. Prayer is not a means of removing the unknown and predictable elements in life, but rather a way of including the unknown and unpredictable in the outworking of the grace of God in our lives.

  3. God formed an alliance based on the world as it is, full of flaws, whereas prayer calls God to account for the world as it should be.

  4. Change came from below, as it usually does, rather than being imposed from above.

  5. Power, no matter how well-intentioned, tends to cause suffering. Love, being vulnerable, absorbs it. In a point of convergence on a hill called Calvary, God renounced the one for the sake of the other.

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